What is the ValueAble Leader Project?

Values are the ideas that are important to us. They help us make decisions. Values shape how we lead, who we lead, and what work we choose to lead.

The ValueAble Leader Project (VLP) is a tool that helps us think about our values, name what our most important values are, and learn how we use these values to make decisions.

ValueAble leaders can identify and describe their values. They understand how to find and respect others’ values. They make life choices and leadership choices that fit with their values.

This tool can help you be a ValueAble leader. It is designed to help leaders identify their values and use them so they can make a positive difference in themselves and in the world around them.

Thanks to CCL's Partners

This resource has been built in partnership with organizations and entities who aspire to make leadership development more accessible for all learners. Partners who have supported CCL throughout the development of this tool include: Disability Rights NC, NC Council on Developmental Disabilities, Oak Foundation, Eye to Eye National, University of North Carolina, East Carolina University, Fayetteville State University, Noble Academy of Greensboro, OCAD University’s Inclusive Design Research Centre, Purpose UX, and YouthBuild USA.

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